I just don't understand how people can come out in a stock non-base aligned Cover 3 rather than feel sus relating to this giant gap with only 1 safety over the top at the start of the play. Even if the beater doesn't get open, one of my corners or outside paths will. 3 sky user is covered by non base accommodates here. The single high-tech does not disturb me as you can shade the DBs below to halt the corners and workouts and use the LBs to look after the pay beaters by bumping the slot guy subsequently after the crosser or pole man. Its easier to present just one high safety for a cover 1 blitz moving a LB onto the edge allowing for more bait opportunities.
Also does not really matter about giving up the short play the focus is to get the opponent to have to push the field rather than the quick over the top TD. That works, but the second I detect you are placing hard/cloud flats to stop an out route(corners still conquer both of those, at least how I run Bunch), I'm placing my WR on a streak and operating right past him to get an easy pretty decent gain. I will also still from 5 up for it Wide Verticals. Run Tampa 2 or a match policy, the corner/lb will bump the receiver at the beginning and slow the route down enough that pressure will force them out or get there.
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